Anthem Citizen
Real Estate
Development Trust
British Columbia


The Offering



The Anthem Citizen Real Estate Development Trust (the “REDT”) is a newly created, unincorporated investment fund with a five-year target investment horizon and a maximum offering size of $82M CAD.

This REDT will partner and invest alongside Anthem Development Canada Ltd., a member of the Anthem Group which is an 800-employee strong organization with a 32-year history in real estate, in developing Citizen, a 66-storey transit-oriented mixed-use development in one of Metro Vancouver’s core markets. Citizen will include 372 condominium units, 200 market and 73 non-market rental units, a 176-suite hotel, and 4,881 SF of leasable retail space.

Citizen is located in Burnaby, British Columbia, offering access to shopping, dining, entertainment, essential public amenities, and close proximity (650 m) to a SkyTrain station, the 200-acre Central Park, and local schools. Citizen is rezoned, construction financing commitment is in hand, and the condominium component significantly pre-sold. Construction is anticipated to commence following closing of the offering.






Aligned Management Team with Strong Track Record



Strong Site Location Fundamentals



Strong Housing Market Fundamentals



Project is Construction Ready and Condos 77% Pre-Sold



$10K Minimum Investment



Registered Plan Eligible



Public Reporting Issuer



Key Fund Personnel

Experienced and Aligned Management Team with a Strong Track Record



Eric Carlson

CEO & Founder


Rob McJunkin

Chief Financial Officer


Elva Kim

Chief Operating Officer


Rob Blackwell

Executive Vice President, Development


Kate Ayoubi

Senior Vice President, Financial Operations



Unit Classes

Class A Units – commission-based accounts $CAD

Class F Units – fee-based accounts $CAD


Who Manages the Fund?


The REDT will be managed by Anthem Properties Group Ltd. (the “Manager”), one of Canada’s largest fully integrated private real estate companies with total assets under management of $7 Billion as of December 31, 2023. Anthem has an established track record of delivering strong returns over its 32-year history across the residential (both rental and to-own), mixed-use, retail, industrial, hotel, and master-planned-community asset classes throughout North America.

Who Promotes the Fund?


Anthem Metro King Developments GP Ltd. (the “Project GP”), is a corporation established under the laws of the Province of British Columbia, and the general partner of the Project LP, is considered to be the promoter of the REDT. As part of its role as the day to day manager of the Project, the Project GP has variously engaged the Manager, APG Construction and Anthem Realty pursuant to the Construction Contract, Development Management Agreement, Sales and Marketing Agreement, Property Management Agreement (Commercial), Property Management Agreement (Residential Rental), Homeowner Care Services Agreement (Residential Rental), and Homeowner Care Agreement (Strata Condominium) in order to develop and construct the Project.

Contact Information


Rob McJunkin
Chief Financial Officer

Anthem Properties Group Ltd.
Suite 1100 Bentall IV Box 49200,1055 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver BC, Canada V7X 1K8